Try this! they’ll like you even more.

Snejana Chowdary🦋
5 min readMar 3, 2022

Hold on love ! This is going to be better.

Even everything was going great ,did that bond broke?

Do they left you , even you’ve loved them so hard.

Did they kept you in a situation , “I love everything about you but there’s something I cant point my figure at “.

Everything was perfect it didn’t worked out?

Wondered what might be the reason.

What if I say the reason might be “you” in some scenarios, yeah! You.

Happiness is contagious , sadness is contagious okay! Emotions are contagious . Our emotions can impact others in many ways. If we are happy ,the person around can be inevitably happy , if we are sad and all blue around people , there are chances of spreading a gloomy cloud all around. No one wants to get stuck in that cloud right?

We can feel our spirits lifting up around someone who is willing to see good in everything. It seems refreshing.

We can loose a person we really like or the person who truly loves us by these simple mistakes, these might be simple but they foist a huge impact on a relation.

Complaining brings negative impact on us, no one wants to be around a cry baby. Who always complains and woks hard to change the situation going on, trying to take control over everything.

What makes a person LOOSE INTEREST in you :

Clinging to past : So why does this happen in the first place? Lack of self-love, low self-worth, unawareness, and fear are at the core are all reasons that can explain why people get stuck in the past, Additional causes include feeling unhappy with present life, not wanting to deal with a current problem, or feeling fearful of the future. In these cases, the past stands to simply feel more comfortable and something to blame on.

Not having the real talk : People prefer brief and real conversation over long and meaningless stuff. we should not bore them over something they really do not like or they are not interested in, that’s not fair to waste someone’s worthy time.

Being really clingy : Are you that kind of person who always wander around the person you like and make them uncomfortable, not giving them any kind of personal space, trying to control them with your thoughts, with your mood, with your emotions, being bossy if not being a cry baby, working really hard to be the main character in not only your life but their life too, its ok to be vibe main character energy in your life , to say its important too but you can’t force someone to have you as main character in their life too. let them be free around you and enjoy the perks of being in happy medium. watch them grow with and threw you.

Fear of change : You were exposed to the idea that life isn’t so great no matter what path you choose, so you might as well stick to the path that you’re on. This cynical way of thinking can pervade and poison everything in life . Its ok to change in order to keep up the relation you want to be in.

Holding back : Holding back emotions, not letting them know what you feel, not asking for help when you are down. you can loose a whole relation without expressing your love , tell them how much they mean to you, tell them how much energy they are exchanging with you, express through words not always actions are needed.

Expectations : Don’t burden another soul with your expectations of perfection. Accept what they are just as you accept what you are by less focusing on flaws.

You cant control someone’s mind , you can only just impact a change that’s it.

How to attract them

Just don’t put too much effort to impress them, yes ! Just be yourself

Keep your life together, have a plan have goals . no one likes a person who don’t have a firm hold on their life, never be too available for a person even though you have important works to be done , people loves to be around a dedicated person who inspire them.

Stick to your opinion , stick up to your own values in life, never agree on a thing you don’t want to agree , never say okay to a thing you never liked just to impress your partner, or do the thing you never like just to spend time with them. Don’t fake your interests , faking a smile drains energy a lot and make our souls weak. Have your own opinion and be confident. If the person get offended try to explain them your perspectives.

Admire and respect their personal space, offer sincere compliments , focus on making little victories with them.

The effect of one’s happiness influences other person’s mood which boosts another person’s mood, its just like a contagious chain reaction.

Life is too short to be miserable, start it with enjoying your own company then they’ll get more attracted to you , even if we are not around people, when they think about us if they have had beautiful memories with us , a smile pops up instantly on their face, isn’t that the bountiful experience.

Just be happy around the person you love.

How to be yourself, how to love your self

Make yourself happy first, be prepared for struggles , but also be prepared to fight back , they love to watch you getting your life back after everything you’ve been through . Be a inspiration in a relation. They will be proud of you .

Train your mind to be more positive , don’t complain and cry around , express more gratitude

Adopt pleasing daily rituals which boosts your mind, find balance in life, accept imperfection.

Here’s a secret ,Hold on to passion , this attracts more people , spend time wisely by living in the moment.

Remembering and reminding the purpose of living . Surprise yourself and your person . Make them feel happy around you by letting themselves be free.

Be simple, enjoy simplicity , show the purpose of life because happy people are driven by purpose and passion. people love to be with self motivated, independent, who has their life put together and who emits positive vibes.

Make them feel like a spring morning around you . Saying that because that’s my happy place .

In my own story I used to be that clingy one in my teens, thanks to the person around me, who told me there is no use to in dwellings, just live up on that.



Snejana Chowdary🦋

Freelance content writer and claim associate , primary goal helping you grow your website/business . currently focusing on health, lifestyle and beauty niche.