How to be “THAT GIRL” in 2024|clean girl aesthetic|basic guide to “That Girl” aesthetic |simple steps to learn becoming that girl .

Snejana Chowdary🦋
3 min readFeb 18, 2023

I’ve been longing myself to write on lifestyle in which I still keep on exploring new things

In your teens, Have you ever gazed at an elder woman and felt that tingling ‘aww I wish when I grow up I could be her ‘. I wish I were that girl .what is “THAT GIRL”.

Did you ever noticed the traits that you’ve been attracted to in That girl.

I would like to describe the traits that I am attracted in brief which indulge both glow up from in and out of our soul

There is utmost preference for IN, we have to glow from inside which doesn’t shout but radiates slowly

· Be brave to stuck at something new . have a plan before implementing something new , should be confident enough to accept the failure and control your emotions in ups and downs

· Be real, stop pretending to be happy and okay with others behaviour . Express your connection with them how they affect your peace, if they change for you that’s good and that didn’t happen go forward to cut them off, but never change yourself for anyone. you should know how exclusive you are .

· Never take a step down to meet their standards, in a long run you will regret this decision.

· stop complaining , focus on positivity

· Prepare yourself a week before and set plans accordingly , don’t be available too much.

· Never make yourself transparent, don’t let them know about you. Eventually people get bored of free stuff, be a treasure they chase.

· master the art of detachment , have boundaries in every space so that you can filter out the un-necessary people in in each and every stage

Never ever settle for less, while you worth more

Stop caring about how people perceive you, worry about how you perceive yourself

Never compete, if u already doing it stop competing with others instead compete with yourself, eventually there would be no one to compete but you.

The glow up we need from OUTside is the glow up itself ‘the transformation’. if you already meet the deeds of this you just keep on holding to them

How you cary yourself in public : Don’t talk much , be an observant . A dash of confidence and a little smile , speak slowly and fluently never speak when you are anxious take deep breaths and always make eye contact in a conversation which improves and proves the confidence , and also maintain good posture and basic etiquette

Hair and skin: find your skin type no matter how much you invest in skincare just choose the apt product and the process of application , don’t use heavy makeup, always keep trust on less is more . Never show up in a event that demands you to be tidy and you show up disheveled .

Picking up an outfit: Dress appropriate for the occasion, dress according to your undertone. find your aesthetic . Finding my undertone choosing my aesthetic and dressing according to it changed my whole appearance .

The vibe you give based on odor: find your niche, don’t settle with one fragrance , put a couple in the rack which keeps you in mood of particular work or according to weather you can choose your fragrance

How to keep everything together: while, It’s how to pretend that you are having it together which you will be in future . The halo effect. I use this effect to follow fake it till you make it

So what exactly is halo effect

It’s basically judging by appearance. The first image of yourself reflects the whole descriptive of you at a first glance.

When an object shines so bright we might skip looking its shadow, this applies to an individual person too where when you look clean and dressed well n appropriate there will be a spark on you , which leads to an assumption that you have it all together.



Snejana Chowdary🦋

Freelance content writer and claim associate , primary goal helping you grow your website/business . currently focusing on health, lifestyle and beauty niche.