Snejana Chowdary🦋


Winsomeness in being present

Have you been running in life just like me ? Which is leading to nothing , setting goals and making plans for the next five years , running for something that we don’t have now. we need to take a brake ,Even once we stop to look at ourselves where we are , what we are doing ,we still find everything clumsy .

We feel the outside world is a whirlwind , last week I read a book “ the things you can see only when you slowdown” by haemin sunim the apt book I was looking for so long.

In that book he stated — the outside world is not a whirlwind but our mind is . When our mind is noisy the world is too ,when our mind is peaceful like a rhythm of Tibetan flute music so would the world be.

Slowing down is necessary in this busy world. It may sound like road not taken but when we are present in moment and aware of where we going and where the path is leading us the road not taken looks real good.

Living in the moment makes us more aware of what we are doing , then we can experience effortless gain . Effortless gain ..? Sounds funny right , how come no pain no gain can be soo wrong ! , no it isn’t wrong it is right, but we Have been doing more in every aspect to get the more apt results , as it is on going trend of doing more gaining more. We all forget that doing more doesn’t give more progress but doing correct can give . You get it ! The more is never better , the more is exhausting it leads to anxiety , self centeredness.

We should start to listen more rather than to talk it is the prior step in slowing down .


In this long run we all tend to forget one thing . Every successful person in this planet is provided with the same time in a day of 24hours as you are too . Yes we are some times working more harder than them at some point , but not smarter!. The key to their success is passion towards their work and slowing down . Slowing here implies being more aware of what we are doing . Slowing down to get clarity on what we want and what we are doing.

Every life crisis we have faced even more or less which doesn’t matter if we have clarity on we are doing . CALMNESS IN MINDS BRINGS PEACE AND BLISS


In this modern society every one are busy with devices . The devices are invented to save our time right ? But we still running for time .

Things happen too fast we cant be certain about anything even about ourselves .

drew it myself

What is the gain

We manage emotions , we gain more patience and be more calm in and out , what used to be our weakness can be our strength as we tend to observe it keenly , we gain more powerful sense about making right decisions . And also we trust our path . We quit criticizing others because we would think about being in their shoes . And if they are doing bad to us we will try to change them ,if there is no change we will ignore.

As long as we are aware of our feelings ,we are not lost them in them , we learn from the mistakes , we will accept our mistakes . We will be joyful .joy open new things and changes bad environment , feel grateful , gratitude awakens us to the truth of our interdependent nature.

We will find balance and unity between nature and present moment with us. We perceive reality with no fears and expectations .

Things that starts to fade

Stress : stress is taking our lives to different dimension . Work stress causes miss work , it makes us to overlook minute details which leads us wrong . Working slow gives more productivity. we all familiar about the tale tortoise and hare , hare took off the race in hurry and rush so it got exhausted and took a deep nap , but tortoise lead the path with slow and steady without taking break because it haven’t got exhausted and won the race.

Work place stress is not all that bad ,its likely to boost productivity. But once its slips the track it is one way ticket to physical and mental breakdown . The book I read 2 weeks ago In praise of slowness by carl honore, talks about karoshi ,karoshi is the Japanese word meaning death by over work . he also discuss about the speed of cult and our obsession with the speed.

That book also talks about food turning tables . Fast food which consumes our health compared to home made slow process food . Do you know how the sandwich was invented , a gambler and profligate who found difficult to get up from gaming table to dining table so he found a easy and fast way to eat his food so he wouldn’t have to leave the gaming table.

Anxiety , confusion , rush , impatience : we will over come these emotions . We will focus on merry, be patient. rushing causes to overlook details , impatience leads to harm or hurt others we should think twice before hurting others by words. Without anxiety we will manage our time, be more productive ,find time to analyse our work .

Self centeredness ,clumsy : in rush we only focus on ourselves , we don’t care about how our work effecting others .we barely know how to enjoy things any more because we are always looking ahead to the next thing. we have lost the art of doing nothing. self centeredness is kind of okay at some aspects in order to relive stress like the art of saying no to others. this is the new habit I’ve attained recently, I used to say yes to many situations which put me in uncomfortable situations in order to please others . when I changed to saying no, to have a pleasant mind, many of them left me . I got worried so much that I lost them , but in time realised that , I have a peaceful mind now.

Fear , jealous and guilt : fear of our out-come .fear of facing reality ,fear of facing failure. we should accept everything , If its our fault , if its need to be changed . Jealous and envy about others outcome, we cant judge others without being in their shoes.

Its okay to disconnect from everything to explore nature and find peace to enjoy every minute detail . Just do nothing but sitting alone and thinking to attain peace

Its not easy to slowdown but eventually we will find the result




Snejana Chowdary🦋

Freelance content writer and claim associate , primary goal helping you grow your website/business . currently focusing on health, lifestyle and beauty niche.